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Policies for Use of Best Practices, LLC's Copyrighted Materials

Best Practices, LLC publishes information through a variety of methods including Internet sites, PDF files, printed reports, CD-ROMS, client conferences and webinars.

The Policies and Guidelines for Use of Best Practices, LLC's Copyrighted Materials follow:

  1. Copyright Policies
  2. Acceptable Use
  3. Approval May Be Required


Single-user file. “Single-user files” refers to purchases of single-user electronic PDF files or paper copies of our reports for use by a single individual. Best Practices, LLC licensing of one (1) copy of the file or hard copy. Any password provided for the electronic file is meant for the purchaser's individual use only. Best Practices, LLC further grants the user the limited right to print out one (1) paper copy for individual use only in adherence with the Acceptable Use Policy outlined below. Unauthorized duplication of the computer file or paper document is a violation of the copyright agreement and is expressly prohibited. All copyright provisions below also apply.

Multi-user files or Intranet copies. “Multi-user files” refer to purchases of electronic PDF files or paper copies for use by users within the limited scope of the user’s department. To purchasers of multi-user electronic PDF files of our reports or multi-user paper copies of our reports, Best Practices, LLC grants the user rights outlined in the agreement emailed with the report file. All copyright provisions below not specifically addressed in the agreement also apply.

Paper copies. Best Practices, LLC permits the licensing of its reports to purchasers only for individual or departmental use, depending upon the purchase that was made. All copyright provisions below also apply.

Best Practices, LLC's Copyright. All information provided by Best Practices, LLC, in any form, shall be proprietary to Best Practices, LLC and shall be protected by U.S. and foreign laws governing intellectual property. All such information published by Best Practices, LLC or presented by its employees is copyright-protected, including, but not limited to material appearing in a hard-copy format, electronically, or on our Web site. The omission of the copyright notice by Best Practices, LLC does not invalidate copyright protection and does not indicate that Best Practices, LLC authorizes the reproduction of such proprietary material.

What copyright protection does. The United States Copyright Act gives the owner of a copyright the exclusive right to reproduce the copyrighted work, to prepare derivative works based upon the copyrighted work, to distribute copies, and to display the work publicly. These rights apply to information that is purchased by our clients and information that Best Practices, LLC may choose to provide at no charge.

Remedies available for copyright infringement. Violation of Best Practices, LLC's copyright may permit Best Practices, LLC to recover actual damages, statutory damages, punitive damages, and attorneys' fees through actions in U.S., international, and foreign courts.


Acceptable Use is a privilege that allows users to make copies of copyrighted information without the specific consent of Best Practices, LLC in specific limited situations.

Internal presentations. Best Practices, LLC considers Acceptable Use to be the reproduction of portions of Best Practices, LLC's research for use in a presentation to individual employees within the same company. If the research involves the use of graphs/charts, we request that the content be reproduced exactly as it appears with no modifications and that the source-line include the information supplied in our graphics/charts as well as the name Best Practices, LLC, if Best Practices, LLC is not already identified as the source. Employees who receive any of the limited number of copies of these presentations should be informed that the copies are not for external use outside the company and not to be provided to non-employees, independent contractors, or third-party consultants.

What is Not Considered Acceptable Use. Uses that conflict with Best Practices, LLC's business practices or impair the market for Best Practices, LLC's materials are not considered Acceptable Use. Unacceptable uses include, without limitation:

  • Copying of complete reports for archives, files, or otherwise (e.g., to avoid purchasing a reprint).
  • Posting complete or partial sections of documents on an Internet site or on an intranet site without purchasing a separate Intranet Copy of the report (see Multi-User Files and Intranet Copies, above).
  • Scanning or otherwise importing publications into an electronic storage/retrieval system.
  • Distribution of single-user copies of reports to anyone other than the single user, including employees of the organization, through any medium or format, including but not limited to hard copy or electronically such as via electronic mail.
  • Distribution of multi-user copies of reports beyond the number and scope outlined in the agreement sent with the multi-user copy.
  • Distribution of any or all portions of acquired publications to anyone outside the organization through any medium or format, including but not limited to hard copy or electronically such as via electronic mail.
  • Distribution of copies to company salespeople who could use the publications for discussions with customers or prospective customers.
  • Using research or excerpts from research in public relations or sales campaigns.


If a desired use of Best Practices, LLC's material is not covered under Acceptable Use, then a request for Best Practices, LLC's approval is required. Requests to quote, excerpt, reproduce, or redistribute Best Practices, LLC's materials should be submitted to Best Practices, LLC at best@best-in-class.com or 919-403-0251.

Information needed with request. If you request approval as set forth above, Best Practices, LLC will need to review the usage context of the desired quote or excerpt in your materials. A copy of the research from which the quote was extracted should accompany your request. Clearly indicate the location of the quote in both documents. Expected turnaround time is three (3) to five (5) business days.

Changes to this policy. Best Practices, LLC reserves the right to change its policies or explanations of its policies at any time, without notice. These explanations and policies are for general informational purposes only and do not constitute a waiver with respect to any of Best Practices, LLC's rights, all of which are specifically reserved.