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This excerpt includes research findings and metrics from document #5229 "Mastering Digital Marketing Structure and Services: Transforming Multi-Channel Marketing."
Companies Profiled:
Abbott; Acer India; Astellas Pharma; Banco Santander PR; Bayer Healthcare; CareFusion; Celgene Corp; Coca-Cola; Covidien; CSC; Dell; EMIRATES; First Commonwealth Bank; GE Asset Management; GE Healthcare; Genentech; Gilead Sciences; GlaxoSmithKline; Highmark; Indegene Lifesystems; Kaiser Permanente; LEO Pharma; Lupin Ltd; Merial; Mettler-Toledo AG; MMSI; Novartis; Pfizer; PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk; Roche Diagnostic; Sanofi; Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics; Siemens Hearing Instruments; State Farm; Teradata Corporation; Testo Inc; Teva Pharmaceuticals; Thermo Fisher Scientific; UCB Pharma GmbH; UGA; Volkswagen of America
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