The quality function at biopharmaceutical and medical device companies are critical to an organization's marketplace success. That's why both industries spend millions to ensure their products meet quality standards throughout the product life cycle. But there is no agreed upon optimal investment and staffing level that a company can plug into the staffing and investment plan for its quality group. Every company is different.
Best Practices, LLC conducted this study to provide current benchmarks on quality staffing and investment levels within biopharma and medical device companies. In particular, the study presents ratios of quality staff to total FTEs for biopharma and medical device companies; quality staffing by areas such as GLP and GMP; and span of control metrics across five supervisory levels. The research also has investment benchmarks such as ratios for quality spend to company revenue and quality spend per quality FTE.
Quality leaders can use this study to assess their quality staffing and investment levels.
Staffing and Resource Benchmarks
Investment and Resource Benchmarks
Average quality staffing ratio of quality FTEs to total FTEs for biopharma and medical device participants
What are your total quality FTEs (internal and outsourced)
What are your total internal quality FTEs
What is your quality staffing allocation by these quality areas (GLP, GMP, etc.)
Number of direct reports for these five supervisory levels (vice president, director, etc.)
How has the total number of quality FTEs changed in the past 3 years and what do you expect for the next 3 years
Average quality spend ratio of quality spend to company revenue
What is the average revenue supported by a quality FTE
Quality staffing resources density at benchmark companies is 9.6% while 7.2% for Biopharma
Span of control ranges vary by 50% -- reflecting cost-risk tradeoffs and efficiency opportunities
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